Unofficial Rules

Download the official rules for Descent: Skirmish in the Dark below. Using the most recent version release is recommended. Past versions of the rules are maintained for historical reference.
Official Rules - Descent: Skirmish in the Dark (version 1.0)
Released: 05/11/2019 (size: 1.3MB)
Mission Guide - Descent: Skirmish in the Dark
Released: 06/16/2019 (size: 1.1MB)

Supplemental Materials

The following supplemental materials are provided to support the Descent: Skirmish in the Dark system but are not required to play Descent: Skirmish in the Dark.
Banned Card List - Descent: Skirmish in the Dark
Released: 06/02/2019 (size: 0.7MB)
Force Builder Excel Spreadsheet - Descent: Skirmish in the Dark
Released: 06/02/2019 (size: 98MB)
This document is provided courtesy of any2cards